After watching Sorry to Bother You a ~very pressing~ question comes up: why horse people? But thinking about it in terms of the rest of the material that we've covered this semester, it seems to make more sense. Particularly in Invisible Man, Beloved, and White Boy Shuffle, surreal things like ghosts, or government assisted mass suicides seem to be useful tools in making arguments about American society. So what are the "equisapiens" being used for? The equisapiens seem to pretty clearly critique capitalism and the dehumanizing effects of factory labor in modern society. Transforming humans into more cost efficient, more effective slaves that are an infinitely replenishable labor source represents the end goal of capitalism, where the producers are valued less than the products they create. The suffering of the horsepeople, and the inhumaneness of their transformation seems to be a clear critique of the way that capitalist systems treat their workers. The equisapiens ...