Paradox within the Brotherhood
In Invisible Man, the narrator is taken in by a group known as the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is an organization that presents itself s revolutionary, pro-equality, and free. Yet somehow, this organization manages to promote and perpetuate racial stereotypes, inequality on the basis of race and gender, and forces its members to conform to a strict system of rules. It functions very similarly to Liberty Paints and to the college that the narrator attended which are both very much a part of the system that the Brotherhood is supposedly fighting to overthrow. The Brotherhood holds within itself a paradox--though it claims to be a radical and egalitarian organization, it aligns itself with practices and beliefs that are big parts of the inequality "the system" promotes. The Brotherhood claims to be a "rainbow coalition," a post-racial society and an equal society for all people. However, the behavior of the members of the organization, when they interact with the na...